Preparing to move

1; Once the decision has been made to move home, you need to consider how you're going to transfer all of your property from the old home to the new. When looking for a removal company it's best to get multiple quotes from different companies in order to get the best possible price - when you've narrowed down your choice of companies which you are considering to use, it's a good idea to research them and see how reliable, courteous and professional the company are from reviews which have been left by previous customers.
2; Make sure you communicate with all parties involved with the move, this includes estate agents, removal company, the new owners of your current property and the old residents at your soon-to-be home. It's beneficial that everyone is kept update in order for there to be no-misshapes.
3; When moving address it's vital that people are informed of the change, family and friends are key people; organisations such as, credit cards, council tax, utilities, health sector (doctors, dentist, opticians), schools and the post office, so your post can be re-directed,
need to be informed at least a month prior to the move.
4; Moving home is a great opportunity to get rid of unwanted items that don't have a need for your new home, time for you to have a thorough spring clean - if the items in which you are disposing of are of a large size or quantity and you are unable to dispose of the items yourself, we could give you a quote to dispose of these items as we offer a clearance service.
5; In order to speed up the moving process it's beneficial to pack the items in which don't get used on a regular basis, or items that you won't need for the time period until you move. By packing away unused items before the move this means the house will be less cluttered, you'll have less to pack and some items will be ready to take straight to the house while you get other things sorted.
6; Arrange child care or pet care if needed, when moving house you want it to go as efficiently, smoothly and with little trouble as possible, children and animals can be a distraction and the moving environment may be hazardous. By arranging for them to be looked after on the day of the move, this means transferring items from one house to the other can be done as quickly as possible; although if the children are of an old enough then getting them involved in the move by giving them activities will distract them, make them feel more involved in the overall moving process and in turn should help them feel calm and more relaxed about moving home.
A week before the move
1; Make sure the dates and times are confirmed by the moving company.
2; Get the your gas, electric, water and broadband arranged ready for your new address, it's important to get the utilities and services sorted.
3; Finish sorting and packing the rest of the house apart from a essentials box, by having a essentials box ready it saves you time looking through boxes in order to find things such as, kettle, tea and coffee, phone charges, milk and toilet roll; this way you can slightly relax for a while until the hard work commences.
4; Pack a bag which has a few set of clothes and toiletries inside for the day tonight and night that you accommodate the property, this will save you the hassle of having to search through boxes of items in order clothes for you to wear or important toiletries you will need.
5; A commodity which is highly useful for the new owners of your property is a list explaining the different aspects of their home that they need to know. A simple list with the details of who provides the utilities for the property, where the boiler switches, aerial sockets and alarm codes are located; would be highly helpful to the new owner and same the time.
Moving Day
1; Before you vacate the property make sure you take final meter readings as these will need to be relayed to the utility suppliers in order to settle the final balance and close the account. Closing the account is essential as you may end up having an altercation with the new owners in regards to the utility accounts - meeting readings will also need to be taken at the new property.
2; Unpack the bedding and make the beds as you're going to be exhausted later from the hard work in which you're going to encounter.
3; Make sure home insurance, if you have it, has started for your new property just encase any accidents happen.
4; Pop around to the neighbours house to introduce yourselves, by making friends with the neighbours this helps you feel settled and apart of the neighbourhood and you will have someone to look after your property if you go on holiday.